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Is there any example about Spanned and Spannable text

I'm struggling with using EditText and Spannable text object, These days, I've read API documents around ten times, even I'm not certain that I understand correctly. So I'm looking for a kind of example which show me how to utilize EditText and Spannable.

like image 941
skysign Avatar asked Jan 29 '10 04:01


People also ask

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Text styling is one of the important aspects when it comes to enhancing the UI of an Android application. In Android, we can change the size, color, weight, style, etc of a text and make the text more attractive and appealing.

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SpannableStringBuilder spannableStringBuilder = new SpannableStringBuilder(text2); // It is used to set foreground color. ForegroundColorSpan green = new ForegroundColorSpan(Color. GREEN);

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@Override public void updateDrawState(@NonNull TextPaint ds) { // super. updateDrawState(ds); } },0, spannableString. length(), SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); The updateDrawState overrides the updateDrawState in the ClickableSpan class in Android, and by not calling super.

1 Answers

Since you don't specify what you can't grasp from the API it's hard to answer your questions (short answer: rewrite your question to a specific questions rather than a general one).

A typical Spannable-example is something like this to turn selected text in an EditText into Italic:

Spannable str = mBodyText.getText();  if(mBodyText.getSelectionEnd() > mBodyText.getSelectionStart())    str.setSpan(new StyleSpan(android.graphics.Typeface.ITALIC),                         mBodyText.getSelectionStart(), mBodyText.getSelectionEnd(),                         Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); else   str.setSpan(new StyleSpan(android.graphics.Typeface.ITALIC),               mBodyText.getSelectionEnd(),               mBodyText.getSelectionStart(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); 

This is cut and pasted from something else, so your direct-pastability might have suffered, but it at least shows a working example of a Spannable (in this case a StyleSpan). In the API you can find the other types of Spans (notably ImageSpan, which is a common questions among newly converted droiders).

like image 168
andy Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09
