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Is there any difference between var name = function() {} & function name() {} in Javascript? [duplicate]



Possible Duplicate:
JavaScript: var functionName = function() {} vs function functionName() {}

Suppose we are inside a function and not in the global namespace.

function someGlobalFunction() {   var utilFunction1 = function() {   }    function utilFunction2 () {   }    utilFunction1();   utilFunction2();  } 

Are these synonymous? And do these functions completely cease to exist when someGlobalFunction returns? Should I prefer one or the other for readability or some other reason?

like image 789
Fletcher Moore Avatar asked May 28 '10 20:05

Fletcher Moore

People also ask

What is the difference between VAR and function in JavaScript?

A variable is something, which stores data. A function is a bunch of code, which can be executed, if you call. But a function can be a variable, too, as it stores data and values, too. See the following syntax: var functionname = function(){} .

Can variable name and function name be same JavaScript?

Variables and functions share the same namespace in JavaScript, so they override each other. if function name and variable name are same then JS Engine ignores the variable. With var a you create a new variable. The declaration is actually hoisted to the start of the current scope (before the function definition).

What is var and function?

The Excel VAR function estimates the variance of a sample of data. If data represents the entire population, use the VARP function or the newer VAR. P function. VAR ignores text values and logicals in references. Get variation of a sample.

2 Answers

They are mostly the same.

utilFunction1 will only be available after it has been declared. utilFunction2 is hoisted to the top of the function, so can be used before it is defined.

function someGlobalFunction() {   utilFunction1(); // Error: untilFunction1 is undefined :(   utilFunction2(); // Works    var utilFunction1 = function() {   }    function utilFunction2 () {   } } 

Unless they are trapped in a closure, both will cease to exist when someGlobalFunction returns.

I prefer to use the method used to declare utilFunction2, but it's up to you.

Declarations of the form utilFunction2 (which are called Function Declarations) have the benefit of being named (i.e. showing up as utilFunction2) in your-favourite-debuggerTM, where as utilFunction1 (called Function Expressions) would just show up as an anonymous function.

For completeness, you also have the form;

var utilFunction3 = function utilFunction4() {     // blah }; 

... which is called a named function expression, which has weird properties (and bugs (in older versions of IE)) of its own.

like image 136
Matt Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 21:09


Yes, they are quite different:

  • utilFunction1 has no name, so if it throws an exception, your debugging tool will only tell you that an anonymous function threw up
  • utilFunction2 will be available in the scope of the function even before that line is reached (as fletcher noted)
  • using the utilFunction2 notation can cause odd behavior in certain circumstances in IE.


if (true) {   function utilFunction() {     return true;   } } else {   function utilFunction() {     return false;   } }  utilFunction(); // returns false in IE, true everywhere else 

IE takes the function scope issue to the extreme, effectively evaluating functions, even if there is no code path to them!

like image 27
jimbo Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 21:09
