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Event after modifying polygon in Google Maps API v3

I made a mapping application that uses the drawing manager (and implements selectable shapes). The program works as follows: when finishing drawing the polygon after clicking a button a path, is mapped on the polygon.

When the polygon is edited after this process I want the mapping function to be called again. However I can't get this part working:

I tried using following code, but I always get an error because no shape is selected yet when this listener is added. What can I do?

google.maps.event.addListener(selectedShape, 'set_at', function() {     console.log("test"); });  google.maps.event.addListener(selectedShape, 'insert_at', function() {     console.log("test"); }); 

Important pieces of code:

function showDrawingManager(){     var managerOptions = {         drawingControl: true,         drawingControlOptions: {             position: google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_CENTER,             drawingModes: [google.maps.drawing.OverlayType.MARKER, google.maps.drawing.OverlayType.POLYLINE, google.maps.drawing.OverlayType.POLYGON]         },         markerOptions: {             editable: true,             icon: '/largeTDGreenIcons/blank.png'         },         polygonOptions: {             fillColor: "#1E90FF",             strokeColor: "#1E90FF",         },         polylineOptions: {             strokeColor: "#FF273A"         }     }      var drawingManager = new google.maps.drawing.DrawingManager(managerOptions);     drawingManager.setMap(map);     return drawingManager; }  function clearSelection() {     if (selectedShape) {         console.log("clearSelection");          selectedShape.setEditable(false);         selectedShape = null;         numberOfShapes--;     } }  function setSelection(shape) {     console.log("setSelection");     clearSelection();    selectedShape = shape;    shape.setEditable(true);    numberOfShapes++;    //getInformation(shape); }  function initialize(){      //....      var drawingManager = showDrawingManager();     google.maps.event.addListener(drawingManager, 'overlaycomplete', function(e) {         if (e.type != google.maps.drawing.OverlayType.MARKER) {             // Switch back to non-drawing mode after drawing a shape.             drawingManager.setDrawingMode(null);              // Add an event listener that selects the newly-drawn shape when the user             // mouses down on it.             var newShape = e.overlay;             newShape.type = e.type;             google.maps.event.addListener(newShape, 'click', function() {                 setSelection(newShape);             });             setSelection(newShape);         }     }); 
like image 311
Thomas Avatar asked Sep 20 '12 15:09


People also ask

How do I extract a polygon from Google Maps?

Assuming you have a Google account, creating a map is explained here and by using draw a line tool, you can create polygons. Even though it says line, the sub menu says Add line or shape and closing your line will create a polygon. Once you finish your map, in the map options, you will find Export to KML.

Can you add polygons to Google Maps?

Draw a path or polygonTo make a path or polygon into a 3D object, click Altitude. A "New Path" or "New Polygon" dialog will pop up. You may need to move it out of the way before moving on to the next step. To draw the line or shape you want, click a start point on the map and drag.

1 Answers

I solved it by calling .getPath() and putting the listener inside the listener which is called every time a shape is clicked. I think the Google API documentation is not very clear on how to use the set_at so it may be useful for other people too.

// Add an event listener that selects the newly-drawn shape when the user // mouses down on it. var newShape = e.overlay; newShape.type = e.type; google.maps.event.addListener(newShape, 'click', function() {     google.maps.event.addListener(newShape.getPath(), 'set_at', function() {         console.log("test");     });      google.maps.event.addListener(newShape.getPath(), 'insert_at', function() {         console.log("test");     });     setSelection(newShape); }); 
like image 69
Thomas Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09
