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Is there any difference between "lower-latin" and "lower-alpha" values of "list-style-type" CSS property?




Both list-style-type: lower-latin and list-style-type: lower-alpha results in list like this:

a. item1
b. item2
c. item3

Is there any difference between these two values, or they are exactly the same?

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Misha Moroshko Avatar asked Dec 03 '11 10:12

Misha Moroshko

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1 Answers

I've just checked it out on W3C, there doesn't seem to be any difference. Lower-latin couldbe a new attribute.

Im not sure, but they display the same. So i'd say they are the same.

Note: : IE8, and earlier versions won't display lower-latin


I'vejust found this on QuirksMode, these guys are usually pretty good. But even their not sure.


If anyone has any ideas, let us know? Seems strange to have two attributes that appear to do the same.

One though I had is that, maybe they are for different charsets?

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Sean H Jenkins Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 03:11

Sean H Jenkins