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Is there any destroy hook for pipes in angular2 (same as for components)?

After investigating for several days(!?!) for a huge memory leakage of my current Angular2 application, I came up with the new discovery:

Apparently, an async pipe, which was heavily used throughout the application, was subscribing for an observable, but was never released (unsubscribed) when component and pipes where cleaned-up.

It accumulated to a number of ~11,000 observers for a single observable with very few user actions (which eventually caused the app to crash).

I need to unsubscribe the observable, and in order to do that I need a hook for destruction, similar to ngOnDestroy, but for pipes.

Is there any such hook, or if not, how would you suggest to unsubscribe?

like image 398
Chen Eshchar Avatar asked Jun 01 '16 21:06

Chen Eshchar

1 Answers

If you take a look at the async pipe code, you can see that they are using ngOnDestroy just like how would you do it in a directive.

snippet from AsyncPipe code:

@Pipe({name: 'async', pure: false})
export class AsyncPipe implements OnDestroy {

  ngOnDestroy(): void {
    if (isPresent(this._subscription)) {

The key is using: pure:false,

From OnDestroy

To create a stateful Pipe, you should implement this interface and set the pure parameter to false in the PipeMetadata.

A stateful pipe may produce different output, given the same input. It is likely that a stateful pipe may contain state that should be cleaned up when a binding is destroyed. For example, a subscription to a stream of data may need to be disposed, or an interval may need to be cleared.

like image 176
Abdulrahman Alsoghayer Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 17:10

Abdulrahman Alsoghayer