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Is there any benefit to call Reflect.apply() over Function.prototype.apply() in ECMAScript 2015?

I am just wondering if there is any good reason to call:

Reflect.apply(myFunction, myObject, args); 

instead of:

myFunction.apply(myObject, args); 
like image 811
madox2 Avatar asked Jan 10 '16 15:01


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1 Answers

You can compare the definition of Function.prototype.apply and Reflect.apply in the spec.

Basically they are equivalent, but there is a difference: if the arguments list is null or undefined, Function.prototype.apply will call the function with no arguments, and Reflect.apply will throw.

function func() {   return arguments.length; } func.apply(void 0, null); // 0 Reflect.apply(func, void 0, null); // TypeError: null is not a non-null object 

Another difference is that, when you use func.apply, you assume

  • func is a Function instance, i.e. it inherits from Function.prototype
  • func has no apply own property which would shadow Function.prototype.apply

But Reflect.apply doesn't require that. For example,

var obj = document.createElement('object'); typeof obj; // "function" -- can be called obj.apply; // undefined -- does not inherit from Function.prototype Reflect.apply(obj, thisArg, argList); // -- works properly 
var func = a => a; func.apply = a => 0; func.apply(void 0, [123]); // 0 -- Function.prototype.apply is shadowed by an own property Reflect.apply(func, void 0, [123]); // 123 -- works properly 
like image 189
Oriol Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 05:09
