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React component children detect if empty / null before render

"react": "16.8.4"

Hello, someone knows how to check if there exists children in a (functional) component (before render them)

React.Children.count React.Children.toArray(children) 

wont work

the children is $$typeof: Symbol(react.element)

the code example is

function ContextMenuItems(): JSX.Element | null {    if (no-items) return null;      ... }  class ContextMenu extends React.Component {    public render(): JSX.Element | null {       if (this.props.children === null) { //ContextMenuItems empty check         return null;        }        return <ContextMenu>{this.props.children}</ContextMenu>    } } 

For any help, idea thankful

like image 243
user11243583 Avatar asked Mar 22 '19 15:03


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To check if a string is empty in React, access its length property and check if it's equal to 0 , e.g. if (str. length === 0) {} . If the string's length is equal to 0 , then the string is empty, otherwise it isn't empty. Copied!

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you can check if the component has children by reading the children prop, along with the React. Children. count the code would be: function ContextMenuItems({ children }): JSX.

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2 Answers

Solution 1:

Get the children type. It will return null if Child component returns null:

const isChildNull = children => {   return Boolean(children.type()=== null); }; 

Solution 2:

Using ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup. It converts the jsx elements to string. If children returns null then renderToStaticMarkup will return an empty string:

import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server';  const isChildNull = children => {   return !Boolean(ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup(children)); }; 


const Child = () => {   return null; };      const Parent = ({ children }) => {   const isNull = isChildNull(children);   if (isNull) {      return "render null";   }   return <div>{children}</div>; };      export default function App() {    return (      <Parent>         <Child />      </Parent>    ); } 

Working example using solution 1

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lissettdm Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10


you can check if the component has children by reading the children prop, along with the React.Children.count the code would be:

function ContextMenuItems({ children }): JSX.Element | null {    if (!React.Children.count(children)) return null;    ... } 
like image 38
Amine Hakkou Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10

Amine Hakkou