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Is there an open source repository for SQL code?



I find myself writing SQL code (queries or stored procs) to solve problems that can definitely be defined as 'patterns' that occur frequently in business.

Rather than having to wrack my brain each time I encounter a new problem (which must have been solved a countless times by other coders/db analysts, I wondered if there was a repository I could go to check out (peer reviewed) code - and maybe add my two pence every now and then. I know different db vendors tend to write slightly variant forms of SQL - but there could still be a repository with ANSI stuff and proprietary stuff. Hopefully, such a site would encourage more people to write standardized SQL.

Is there such a site?. If no - why not? (would anyone else be interested in such a site?) If such a site exists, please provide link(s), as Google is not finding anything remotely useful.

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morpheous Avatar asked Jun 04 '10 06:06


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2 Answers

Snipplr is a user-contributed repository for SQL snippets as well as other code snippets for many other languages.

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anonymous Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 01:10


There is the site SQL Examples.

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Bozhidar Batsov Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 02:10

Bozhidar Batsov