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Oracle 10g - Write queries results to file




I want to run 200+ select queries and append the results to a file. All queries are the same the only difference in the date-time variable. I don't have privileges to create a routine that's why I had to create all the queries. I don't have privileges to create a view or another table to store the results in. I don't have access to PL/SQL.

Now I need to create a report with the results of each one of this queries (all results are integer numbers) but I don't seem to find another solution but to run one by one and copy the results one by one.

Any of you marvelous brains can give me a hand on this? It's kind of urgent.

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Daniel Avatar asked Feb 19 '10 20:02


People also ask

How do I export data from Oracle to Excel using PL SQL?

Hi, You can just right click on the data -> Export -> CSV (select the format that you need) -> location to save -> ok. It exports the table data to File.

2 Answers

1 - Put your queries in a text file like so:

set pagesize 0;

select some_field
from some_table;

select another_field
from another_table;

2 - Save it somewhere (let's say c:\my_file.sql)

3 - Run this at the command prompt:

c:\>sqlplus -s username/[email protected] < tmp.sql > output.txt

4 - Look inside "output.txt"

like image 90
JosephStyons Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 14:10


You can spool your output to a file.

See the spool (URL - Oracle 10.2 user's guide) command.



And what appears to be some layout tips:


like image 27
FrustratedWithFormsDesigner Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10
