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Is there an 'Open Folder...' keyboard shortcut in VS Code?

I don't see a keyboard shortcut for "Open Folder..." listed on the documentation page below, and after searching elsewhere for a while I didn't see anything else.


I thought I would ask here before putting an issue on GitHub about it. (Also there doesn't seem to be a open / closed issue about this anywhere on the GitHub repo.)


like image 869
Ryan Spletzer Avatar asked Feb 11 '17 20:02

Ryan Spletzer

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1 Answers

There is indeed a shortcut for it, the command is workbench.action.files.openFolder, and the default keybinding is Ctrl+K,Ctrl+O.

It's easy to find in the list of shortcuts (File → Preferences → Keyboard Shortcuts) if you search for "folder" or "openFolder" in the Default Keybindings.

like image 76
Gama11 Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 03:10
