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Is there an online name demangler for C++? [closed]




I have created such an online serivice: https://demangler.com

This is a gcc c++ symbol demangler. You just copy a stack trace, or the output of nm into a text box, and it will return the output with the names demangled.

@Update: It now demangles MSVC and Java symbols also.

This might be a bit late, but I created one, based on this question. It works with the inputs I tried on, supports g++ and msvc++ via __cxa_demangle and __unDName, compiled to Javascript via Emscripten. Hope this helps someone: c++filtjs

Edit: Fixed escaping problem

Most (if not all) C++ compilers come with c++filt tool which does precisely what you apparently looking for.

If you want it at the mouse click... well write a GUI for it ;)

There are two copy-and-paste online solutions:

  • demangler.com, which supports GCC, Visual Studio, or Java symbols
  • c++filtjs, which supports GCC and Visual Studio but has problems with template parameters

If you only need support for GCC and Clang, you also have the option of using Coliru, which is probably the most versatile online C++ compiler.

This is not quite as simple as cut, paste, and click - but not too much harder - and it looks like there are no issues with template parameters as was noted above. You just need to modify the command line to run something like this:

cat main.cpp | c++filt -t

See it live with this example which demangles:



void kernel<float, 3u>(float*, array<float const*, 3u>, array<float const*, 3u>, array<unsigned int, 3u>, array<unsigned int, 3u>, float)

FYI, there's also a Ruby gem to demangle Borland/MS/whatever mangled names: unmangler