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Is there an official logo of C#? [closed]



I'm currently working on a presentation that involves C# (and .NET). Is there some kind of official logo of the programming language? If so, do you know of a free image source? I tried google but to no avail.

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mafu Avatar asked Jan 20 '10 09:01


People also ask

Why is C not A or B?

Because C comes after B The reason why the language was named “C” by its creator was that it came after B language. Back then, Bell Labs already had a programming language called “B” at their disposal.

Why is C called C?

After language 'B', Dennis Ritchie came up with another language which was based upon 'B'. As in alphabets B is followed by C and hence he called this language as 'C'.

2 Answers

I don't know of an official logo for the C# language, however, there is a logo for the general "world" of .NET.

The current .NET logo is:

alt text

This was introduced sometime around the end of 2008. Here's the blog post from Microsoft's Scott Hanselman that details this:

PDC 2008: New .NET Logo

However, regarding using the logo yourself, please see this Stack Overflow question (and specifically the accepted answer):

Can I use the .NET framework logo on my personal calling card?

In short, the answer is No. :(

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CraigTP Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 13:09


There kinda was once... Andy:

enter image description here

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Marc Gravell Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09

Marc Gravell