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Is there an interactive way to learn Vim? [closed]




Years ago I was looking for a way to learn Vim that didn't involve a wall of text, or scrolling through vimtutor without knowing the commands to do so. I wondered if anything else existed for such a purpose.

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eggonlegs Avatar asked Sep 28 '11 06:09


People also ask

What is the best way to learn Vim?

The best way to learn is practice. Take a few minutes to try Vim out. If you're on a Linux system right now, open up a terminal and type vim filename. Enter insert mode and type a bit (or copy some of the text from this article into Vim) and then hit Escape to start practicing movement around the file.

How long does it take to learn Vim?

You can learn to use vim in 30 minutes The tutorial that's presented is excellent and you'll be through it in no time. Once you're done, you'll have the rudiments needed to get your work done. You won't be fast yet, no; but you'll be competent.

How good is Vim Adventures?

Vim Adventures has been immensely helpful in getting me comfortable with all the commands and motions. Your game is simply amazing, that's the best and fastest way to learn how to use Vim. Not only, it's very funny. Vim adventures is awesome, currently the only thing I use to learn vim.

1 Answers

I programmed a game just for this purpose! It's an online game where you move the cursor using vim commands and motions. Check it out on http://vim-adventures.com. The first couple of levels teach hjkl and word navigation. The rest is planned to cost money.

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Doron Linder Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10

Doron Linder