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Is there an HTML CSS testing bin similar to jsbin [closed]





Is there a page similar to JSbin where I can test HTML and CSS + provide "fiddlable" examples to you?

like image 718
Kyle Avatar asked Mar 18 '10 14:03


People also ask

What is js bin?

JS Bin is a webapp specifically designed to help JavaScript and CSS folk test snippets of code, within some context, and debug the code collaboratively. JS Bin allows you to edit and test JavaScript and HTML (reloading the URL also maintains the state of your code - new tabs doesn't).

How do I run JavaScript in Jsbin?

Just click the “Run with JS” button, and your entire code will re-run, or ctrl (or cmd) + enter.

1 Answers

Yes there is!


Don't be put off by the 'js' in the name. It has fields for HTML, CSS and JS. You could leave the JS blank and just use the HTML and CSS.

Here is an example of first-child in CSS, to show how small your snippets can be.

like image 188
Skilldrick Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09
