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is there an existing FileInputStream delete on close?

Is there an existing way to have a FileInputStream delete the underlying file automatically when closed?

I was planning to make my own utility class to extend FileInputStreamand do it myself, but I'm kinda surprised that there isn't something already existing.

edit: Use case is that I have a Struts 2 action that returns an InputStream for file download from a page. As far as I can tell, I don't get notified when the action is finished, or the FileInputStream is not in use anymore, and I don't want the (potentially large) temporary files that are generated to be downloaded left lying around.

The question wasn't Struts 2 specific, so I didn't include that info originally and complicate the question.

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Shawn D. Avatar asked Jan 14 '11 17:01

Shawn D.

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1 Answers

There's no such thing in the standard libraries, and not any of the apache-commons libs either , so something like:

public class DeleteOnCloseFileInputStream extends FileInputStream {    private File file;    public DeleteOnCloseFileInputStream(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException{       this(new File(fileName));    }    public DeleteOnCloseFileInputStream(File file) throws FileNotFoundException{       super(file);       this.file = file;    }     public void close() throws IOException {        try {           super.close();        } finally {           if(file != null) {              file.delete();              file = null;          }        }    } } 
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nos Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09
