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How can I avoid repeating code initializing a hashmap of hashmap?

Every client has an id, and many invoices, with dates, stored as Hashmap of clients by id, of a hashmap of invoices by date:

HashMap<LocalDateTime, Invoice> allInvoices = allInvoicesAllClients.get(id);  if(allInvoices!=null){     allInvoices.put(date, invoice);      //<---REPEATED CODE }else{     allInvoices = new HashMap<>();     allInvoices.put(date, invoice);      //<---REPEATED CODE     allInvoicesAllClients.put(id, allInvoices); } 

Java solution seems to be to use getOrDefault:

HashMap<LocalDateTime, Invoice> allInvoices = allInvoicesAllClients.getOrDefault(     id,     new HashMap<LocalDateTime, Invoice> (){{  put(date, invoice); }} ); 

But if get is not null, I still want put (date, invoice) to execute, and also adding data to "allInvoicesAllClients" is still needed. So it doesn't seem to help much.

like image 393
Hernán Eche Avatar asked Mar 19 '20 18:03

Hernán Eche

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1 Answers

This is an excellent use-case for Map#computeIfAbsent. Your snippet is essentially equivalent to:

allInvoicesAllClients.computeIfAbsent(id, key -> new HashMap<>()).put(date, invoice); 

If id isn't present as a key in allInvoicesAllClients, then it'll create mapping from id to a new HashMap and return the new HashMap. If id is present as a key, then it'll return the existing HashMap.

like image 122
Jacob G. Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 06:10

Jacob G.