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Is there an easy way to use an OSGi bundle in a classpath for Ant junit or java tasks?

I have a bunch of OSGi bundles that are basically jars that contain other jars and a manifest.

bundle xyz.jar:

I want to run some junit tests, and need some classes inside these bundles. Is there an easy way in Ant to say

<path name="myclasspath" location="[stuff inside OSGI bundle xyz.jar]> ?

I could unjar these to a temp directory, but that seems tedious, plus I would not be leveraging the classpath inside the OSGi bundle.

like image 271
marathon Avatar asked Nov 01 '10 17:11


1 Answers

It should not a problem if you're using ant to run PDE build/OSGi application, OSGi would handle with the classpath.

like image 96
Kane Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 05:10
