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Is there an easy way to run Garbage Collection outside of the request cycle in Passenger?

Unicorn has OobGC rack middleware that can be used to run GC.start after a certain number of requests.

Is there a similar sort of thing in Phusion Passenger?

like image 883
eric Avatar asked Jun 03 '11 00:06


People also ask

When should you not use garbage collection?

One fundamental problem with garbage collection, though, is that it is difficult to estimate and manage the actual size of the working set in memory, because garbage collector can free your memory only delayedly. So, yes, when memory is restricted, garbage collection might not be a good choice.

What garbage collection Cannot perform?

Garbage collection cannot be forced. Garbage collection cannot be forced. This indicates that Garbage Collector is an independent thread and is on a priority which is decided by the Java Virtual Machine, so you may not enforce Garbage Collection.

How do you fix memory garbage collection?

The usual fix is to reboot. Freeing up the operating system for reuse of the space that has been taken over by memory leaks is called garbage collection. In the past, programs have had to explicitly request storage and then return it to the system when it was no longer needed.

2 Answers

Phusion Passenger 4 officially introduces an out of band garbage collection mechanism. It's more flexible than Unicorn's by allowing any arbitrary work, not just garbage collection. http://blog.phusion.nl/2013/01/22/phusion-passenger-4-technology-preview-out-of-band-work/

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Hongli Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09


Hooking into PhusionPassenger::Rack::RequestHandler#process_request() is the only mechanism I have found.

To do this in a similar way to the Unicorn OobGC, you can use the following module:

module PassengerOobGC
  def self.install!(path, interval = 5)
    self.const_set :OOBGC_PATH,     path
    self.const_set :OOBGC_INTERVAL, interval
    @@oob_nr = interval
    PhusionPassenger::Rack::RequestHandler.send :include, self

  def self.included(base)
    base.send :alias_method_chain, :process_request, :gc

  def process_request_with_gc(env, *args)
    process_request_without_gc(env, *args)

    if OOBGC_PATH =~ env["PATH_INFO"] && ((@@oob_nr -= 1) <= 0)
      @@oob_nr = OOBGC_INTERVAL

and invoke it in an initializer with:

if defined?(PhusionPassenger::Rack::RequestHandler)
  require 'passenger_oob_gc'
  PassengerOobGC.install!(%r{^/admin/}, 3)
like image 38
eric Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 02:09
