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Is there an easy way to request a URL in python and NOT follow redirects?

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How do you direct a link in Python?

Use Python urllib Library To Get Redirection URL. request module. Define a web page URL, suppose this URL will be redirected when you send a request to it. Get the response object. Get the webserver returned response status code, if the code is 301 then it means the URL has been redirected permanently.

Which function is used to send a GET request to any URL in Python?

We use requests. get() method since we are sending a GET request. The two arguments we pass are url and the parameters dictionary. Now, in order to retrieve the data from the response object, we need to convert the raw response content into a JSON type data structure.

Here is the Requests way:

import requests
r = requests.get('http://github.com', allow_redirects=False)
print(r.status_code, r.headers['Location'])

Dive Into Python has a good chapter on handling redirects with urllib2. Another solution is httplib.

>>> import httplib
>>> conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("www.bogosoft.com")
>>> conn.request("GET", "")
>>> r1 = conn.getresponse()
>>> print r1.status, r1.reason
301 Moved Permanently
>>> print r1.getheader('Location')

This is a urllib2 handler that will not follow redirects:

class NoRedirectHandler(urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler):
    def http_error_302(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
        infourl = urllib.addinfourl(fp, headers, req.get_full_url())
        infourl.status = code
        infourl.code = code
        return infourl
    http_error_300 = http_error_302
    http_error_301 = http_error_302
    http_error_303 = http_error_302
    http_error_307 = http_error_302

opener = urllib2.build_opener(NoRedirectHandler())

The redirections keyword in the httplib2 request method is a red herring. Rather than return the first request it will raise a RedirectLimit exception if it receives a redirection status code. To return the inital response you need to set follow_redirects to False on the Http object:

import httplib2
h = httplib2.Http()
h.follow_redirects = False
(response, body) = h.request("http://example.com")

i suppose this would help

from httplib2 import Http
def get_html(uri,num_redirections=0): # put it as 0 for not to follow redirects
conn = Http()
return conn.request(uri,redirections=num_redirections)

I second olt's pointer to Dive into Python. Here's an implementation using urllib2 redirect handlers, more work than it should be? Maybe, shrug.

import sys
import urllib2

class RedirectHandler(urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler):
    def http_error_301(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):  
        result = urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_301( 
            self, req, fp, code, msg, headers)              
        result.status = code                                 
        raise Exception("Permanent Redirect: %s" % 301)

    def http_error_302(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
        result = urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_302(
            self, req, fp, code, msg, headers)              
        result.status = code                                
        raise Exception("Temporary Redirect: %s" % 302)

def main(script_name, url):
   opener = urllib2.build_opener(RedirectHandler)
   print urllib2.urlopen(url).read()

if __name__ == "__main__":

The shortest way however is

class NoRedirect(urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler):
    def redirect_request(self, req, fp, code, msg, hdrs, newurl):

noredir_opener = urllib2.build_opener(NoRedirect())