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Is there an easy way to pass a "raw" string to grep?

grep can't be fed "raw" strings when used from the command-line, since some characters need to be escaped to not be treated as literals. For example:

$ grep '(hello|bye)' # WON'T MATCH 'hello' $ grep '\(hello\|bye\)' # GOOD, BUT QUICKLY BECOMES UNREADABLE 

I was using printf to auto-escape strings:

$ printf '%q' '(some|group)\n' \(some\|group\)\\n 

This produces a bash-escaped version of the string, and using backticks, this can easily be passed to a grep call:

$ grep `printf '%q' '(a|b|c)'` 

However, it's clearly not meant for this: some characters in the output are not escaped, and some are unnecessarily so. For example:

$ printf '%q' '(^#)' \(\^#\) 

The ^ character should not be escaped when passed to grep.

Is there a cli tool that takes a raw string and returns a bash-escaped version of the string that can be directly used as pattern with grep? How can I achieve this in pure bash, if not?

like image 998
slezica Avatar asked Aug 08 '12 00:08


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1 Answers

If you want to search for an exact string,

grep -F '(some|group)\n' ... 

-F tells grep to treat the pattern as is, with no interpretation as a regex.

(This is often available as fgrep as well.)

like image 139
ephemient Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09
