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Is there a working CPAN/CPAN6 like project for Perl 6?




I'm playing around with Rakudo Perl 6 lately and was searching for a project similar to CPAN. I found CPAN 6, but I think there is no Perl 6 code yet.

So I'm looking for some alternative that does not necessarily aim to be a long term solution, but is capable of maintaining modules and is written in Perl 6.

As Rakudo development goes it might be possible to create more complex Perl 6 code soon.

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matthias krull Avatar asked Jun 30 '10 08:06

matthias krull

People also ask

How do I use Perl modules in CPAN?

To install Perl modules using CPAN, you need to use the cpan command-line utility. You can either run cpan with arguments from the command-line interface, for example, to install a module (e.g Geo::IP) use the -i flag as shown.

What is CPAN module in Perl?

The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) is a repository of over 250,000 software modules and accompanying documentation for 39,000 distributions, written in the Perl programming language by over 12,000 contributors.

2 Answers

Your first stop for Perl 6 modules should be https://modules.raku.org/.

Modules should be installed with zef.

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moritz Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 18:10


Markov owns cpan6.org and worked on-and-off for some years on it. Most people I've talked don't regard this project well for various reasons. Most existing Perl 6 code lives at modules.raku.org, formerly proto.perl.org.

There's been talk on cpan-workers to simply extend the archive structure in some canonical way to make it more suitable for other languages, a solution arrived 7 years later.

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daxim Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 19:10
