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Is there a workaround for overloading the assignment operator in C#?

People also ask

Can you override operators in C?

No, it is not possible. C does not support operator overloading by the developer.

Which operator we Cannot overload in C?

Detailed Solution. (::) Scope resolution operator cannot be overloaded in C language. Operator overloading:- It is polymorphism in which an operator is overloaded to give user-defined meaning to it. The overloaded operator is used to perform operations on user define data type.

When should an assignment operator be overloaded?

Overloading the assignment operator (operator=) is fairly straightforward, with one specific caveat that we'll get to. The assignment operator must be overloaded as a member function. This will call f1. operator=(f1), and under the simplistic implementation above, all of the members will be assigned to themselves.

Can you overload the assignment operator?

You can overload the assignment operator (=) just as you can other operators and it can be used to create an object just like the copy constructor. Following example explains how an assignment operator can be overloaded.

you can use the 'implicit' keyword to create an overload for the assignment:

Suppose you have a type like Foo, that you feel is implicitly convertable from a string. You would write the following static method in your Foo class:

public static implicit operator Foo(string normalString)
    //write your code here to go from string to Foo and return the new Foo.

Having done that, you can then use the following in your code:

Foo x = "whatever";

It's still not at all clear to me that you really need this. Either:

  • Your Number type should be a struct (which is probable - numbers are the most common example of structs). Note that all the types you want your type to act like (int, decimal etc) are structs.


  • Your Number type should be immutable, making every mutation operation return a new instance, in which case you don't need the data to be copied on assignment anyway. (In fact, your type should be immutable whether or not it's a struct. Mutable structs are evil, and a number certainly shouldn't be a mutable reference type.)

You won't be able to work around it having the C++ look, since a = b; has other semantics in C++ than in C#. In C#, a = b; makes a point to the same object like b. In C++, a = b changes the content of a. Both has their ups and downs. It's like you do

MyType * a = new MyType();
MyType * b = new MyType(); 
a = b; /* only exchange pointers. will not change any content */

In C++ (it will lose the reference to the first object, and create a memory leak. But let's ignore that here). You cannot overload the assign operator in C++ for that either.

The workaround is easy:

MyType a = new MyType();
MyType b = new MyType();

// instead of a = b

Disclaimer: I'm not a C# developer

You could create a write-only-property like this. then do a.Self = b; above.

public MyType Self {
    set {
        /* copy content of value to this */

Now, this is not good. Since it violates the principle-of-least-surprise (POLS). One wouldn't expect a to change if one does a.Self = b;

Instead of making a copy of the data when passing the reference you could make the class immutable. When the class is immutable having multiple references to it isn't a problem since it can't be changed.

Operations that changes the data would of course return new instances.

An earlier post suggested this:

public static implicit operator Foo(string normalString) { }

I tried this approach... but to make it work you need this:

public static implicit operator Foo(Foo original) { }

and the compiler won't let you have an implicit conversion function from your exact type, nor from any base type of yourself. That makes sense since it would be a backdoor way of overriding the assignment operator, which C# doesn't want to allow.