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Is there a webpack loader for replacing strings with values from property file



I am a newbie to webpack. I am trying to write an AngularJS 2 website and have a requirement where I would like certain strings within my CSS / LESS / HTML / JS / TS files to be replaced with values taken from a properties file.

My properties file would look something like this:


branding.title=My Awesome Website

And I would like to place tokens within my files in this format:



In the above I would like the loader to replace ${branding.title} with My Awesome Website.

Is there an existing webpack loader that will allow me to perform these substitutions as an initial step before building?

I just need a token replacement loader of some form - I don't mind if the file containing the tokens and their replacement text is in a different format to the one I gave as an example above. Similarly I don't mind if the way in which the tokens are defnied within the files (e.g. ${branding.title}) is different.

like image 877
Mufasa Avatar asked Sep 24 '16 15:09


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1 Answers

This is possible with the use of the html-webpack-plugin

Inside your webpack.config.js file perform an import of your properties file, hopefully it's in some well formed file type like JSON. If not you will need to parse the file within the webpack.config. Ideally, just make your .properties files all JSON if you can. Also import html-webpack-plugin. Add html-webpack-plugin to your plugins array. Then inside your template html file you will be able to access variables within the configuration.

The webpack.config.js would look something like this:

var config = require('../pathToProperties/example.properties.json');
var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
export.module = {
    // Your webpack config
    meta : config,
    plugins : [
         new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
             template : './src/index.html' // Where your index.html template exists

Inside your HTML

<head><%= webpackConfig.metadata.branding.title%></head>

Webpack 2


var config = require('../pathToProperties/example.properties.json');

plugins: [
     new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
            template: 'src/index.html',
            metadata: config,


<title><%= htmlWebpackPlugin.options.metadata.customValue%></title>
like image 50
cgatian Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11
