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Webpack with CommonsChunkPlugin results with wrong bundle order in html file

I'm trying to use CommonChunkPlugin with one "extra" chunk containing only webpack runtime to get proper hashing (this doesn't change vendor hash when only app files have changed). The trick is described in official webpack repo here.

This itself works fine, chunk hashes are correct, but the issue is that my HTML file generated has bundles in wrong order: manifest, app and then vendor*, whereas it should be manifest, vendor, app.

CommonsChunkPLugin is configured as follows:

new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
  names: ['vendor', 'manifest']

and entries are as follows:

entry: {
  app: './index.js',
  vendor: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']

Any tips?

like image 224
Michal Ostruszka Avatar asked Apr 22 '16 14:04

Michal Ostruszka

1 Answers

OK, solved it. Looks like providing chunksSortMode: 'dependency' to html-webpack-plugin config solves this issue. So it's not webpack core issue, but something with sorting chunks (default by id sort doesn't sort chunks correctly in this case, not sure why yet)

like image 151
Michal Ostruszka Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 07:10

Michal Ostruszka