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Is there a way to write a pandas SQL query across multiple lines with comments?





When writing a regular expression, it is possible to write the expression across multiple lines and including annotation, then compile the expression using the re.VERBOSE option before passing the compiled version. I'd like to do something similar with a pandas.read_sql_query.

For example, instead of:

result = pd.read_sql_query('select a.gvkey, a.tic, a.datadate as fyearend, year(a.datadate) as year, month(a.datadate) as fyrc, b.datadate, month(b.datadate) as month, b.trt1m from COMPM.FUNDA a join COMPM.SECM b on a.gvkey = b.gvkey and year(a.datadate) = year(b.datadate) where a.TIC = "IBM" and a.datafmt = "STD" and a.consol="C" and a.indfmt = "INDL" and year(a.datadate)>1980', engine)

I would like to write something like:

q = """select a.gvkey, 
    a.tic,                      #COMMENTS
    a.datadate as fyearend,     #COMMENTS
    year(a.datadate) as year,   #COMMENTS
    month(a.datadate) as fyrc, b.datadate, 
    month(b.datadate) as month, 
    from COMPM.FUNDA a join COMPM.SECM b on a.gvkey = b.gvkey and year(a.datadate) = year(b.datadate) 
    where a.TIC = "IBM" 
        and a.datafmt = "STD" 
        and a.consol="C" 
        and a.indfmt = "INDL" 
        and year(a.datadate)>1980

result = p.read_sql_query(q ,engine)

My question is related to this question about splitting python commands across multiple lines, but I'd like to add comments inside the query.

As I mentioned, what I'd like to do in the pandas/SQL case is similar to what can be done in the regular expression case with re.VERBOSE. Here is an example with regex:

pattern = r'''\s(shares?| #COMMENTS
            warrants?|       #COMMENTS
            stock|           #AND SO ON...
crit = re.compile(pattern_nopt, re.VERBOSE)
match=re.search(crit, string)

This would make the query more readable and I find it important to annotate queries exhaustively when sharing code with coauthors.

like image 461
Arthur Morris Avatar asked Feb 01 '16 19:02

Arthur Morris

1 Answers

Yes it will works but you have to use the right comment delimiter for SQLite :
-- for an inline comment
/* foo.. */ (as in C) for a multi-lines comment

So it will looks like :

q = """select a.gvkey, 
    a.tic,                      -- COMMENTS
    a.datadate as fyearend,     -- COMMENTS
    year(a.datadate) as year,   /* Another very long
    and multi-lines comment... */
    month(a.datadate) as fyrc, b.datadate, 
    month(b.datadate) as month, 
    b.trt1m from COMPM.FUNDA a join COMPM.SECM b on a.gvkey = b.gvkey and year(a.datadate) = year(b.datadate) 
    where a.TIC = "IBM" 
        and a.datafmt = "STD" 
        and a.consol="C" 
        and a.indfmt = "INDL" 
        and year(a.datadate)>1980

result = p.read_sql_query(q, conn)
like image 103
mgc Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 13:10
