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Is there a way to use non-scalar values in functions with where clauses in Chapel?



I've been trying out Chapel off and on over the past year or so. I have used C and C++ briefly in the past, but most of my experience is with dynamic languages such as Python, Ruby, and Erlang more recently.

After some exposure to Erlang and its function clauses, I was excited to find out about where clauses in Chapel. However, I've run into a barrier with their use. Learn Chapel in Y minutes contains the following code demonstrating a use of the where clause:

proc whereProc(param N : int): void
  where (N > 0) {
    writeln("N is greater than 0");

proc whereProc(param N : int): void
  where (N < 0) {
    writeln("N is less than 0");


This produces the expected output for each of the two scalar values, 10 and -1. However, I have tried to write similar programs that iterate over a range or an array. I've even tried recursion. In all cases I get essentially the same error:

whereproc2.chpl:12: error: unresolved call 'whereProc(int(64))'
whereproc2.chpl:1: note: candidates are: whereProc(param N: int)
whereproc2.chpl:6: note:                 whereProc(param N: int)

The code that produced this particular error is:

proc whereProc(param N : int): void
  where (N > 0) {
    writeln("N is greater than 0");

proc whereProc(param N : int): void
  where (N <= 0) {
    writeln("N is less than or equal to 0");

for n in 1..10 do

Is there something I'm missing that will cause this to work, or is this not expected to work? I noticed that on Learn Chapel in Y minutes it says all information needs to be known at compile time. Are the contents of a finite range or initialized array not known at compile time? It seems to me that the usefulness of the where clause is limited if it only works with scalar values.

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anglus Avatar asked Apr 23 '18 23:04


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1 Answers

Is there something I'm missing that will cause this to work...?

Yes, the problem is that in your for loop:

for n in 1..10 do

when iterating over ranges, the loop index variable n is an execution-time constant, which prevents the compiler from reasoning about it. In order to get the behavior you want, you need to request that the compiler make it a param (a compile-time constant). This can be done using the syntax:

for param n in 1..10 do

This has the effect of making n a param value which gives the compiler the ability to reason about its value. Try this version of the code online (with a slightly more interesting range).

Using a param index expression like this can be viewed as fully unrolling the loop:

  param n = 1;
  param n = 2;
  param n = 10;

As such, this can be a useful idiom for iterating over things when types might vary from one iteration to the next (like a heterogeneous tuple).

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Brad Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09
