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Suggest a text editor or IDE for chapel programming language




I want to write some short numerical programs in chapel. Can somebody just tell an IDE, or text editor which supports code highlighting for chapel (chapel-aware), is there an elisp-file for emacs? I don't prefer vim, even if a script for vim exists.

I tried searching, but I couldn't find anything. I neither know emacs-lisp nor am completely aware of chapel's syntax to configure it to make this chapel-aware.

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fedvasu Avatar asked Sep 26 '11 14:09


3 Answers

the elisp files and .vimrc files ship along with chapel tar.gz file , so after extracting the tar.gz file in a folder chapel-version/highlight/vim or chapel-version/highlight/emacs there the vimrc or elisp files are present and in the README , instructions are also given how to add to init files ~/.emacs or ~/.vim.

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fedvasu Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 03:10


I have just come across a plugin for the Atom Editor that does Chapel Highlighting

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Brian Dolan Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 03:10

Brian Dolan

There is an Emacs mode for Chapel at MELPA. So if you are using an Emacs with package management you can just install chapel-mode.


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Russel Winder Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10

Russel Winder