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Is there a way to set any style for a specific browser in CSS?




For example, if I want to set the corner radius in Webkit, Firefox and other than I can use the following CSS:

-webkit-border-radius: 8px;
-moz-border-radius: 8px;
border-radius: 8px;

But are those styles hardcoded or is merely adding a prefix address that browser?

For example, if I want to change the margin only in Firefox could I simply add the prefix like so:

margin: 1px;

And if that's possible is it possible to address a specific version or platform? For example, -moz-4.3-margin:-4px; not that I'd want to, just wondering.

And does the prefix approach work cross browser? I'm wondering because Internet Explorer.

Finally, will margin:10px ever knock out -moz-margin:10px? As in, "We, Mozilla, finally support margin so we are going to ignore all old -moz-margin tags and will just use the value in the margin tag".

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1.21 gigawatts Avatar asked Sep 13 '15 07:09

1.21 gigawatts

People also ask

How do I get CSS only for Internet Explorer?

#2 CSS Rules Specific to Explorer (IE CSS hacks) IE8 or below: to write CSS rules specificially to IE8 or below, add a backslash and 9 ( \9 ) at the end before the semicolon. IE7 or below: add an asterisk ( * ) before the CSS property. IE6: add an underscore ( _ ) before the property.

1 Answers

It's very bad habit to apply css for specific browser. But there are solutions also:

Only Moz:

@-moz-document url-prefix(){
    body {
        color: #000;

chome and safari:

@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {
    body {
        color: #90f;

Below IE9:

<!--[if IE 9]>
    body {

I recommend don't use this moz, and safari prefix untill and unless necessary.

like image 52
Ganesh Yadav Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Ganesh Yadav