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Html marquee tag



Is html marquee tag deprecated ? If yes what are the alternatives for it on the modern browser ?

I want to create a simple marquee effect on my joomla page

like image 454
Anand Sunderraman Avatar asked Feb 09 '10 08:02

Anand Sunderraman

People also ask

What is the marquee tag in HTML?

The <marquee> HTML element is used to insert a scrolling area of text. You can control what happens when the text reaches the edges of its content area using its attributes.

What is a HTML marquee tag and its attributes?

The HTML <marquee> tag defines a scrolling text area in the HTML document that moves across the page in a horizontal or vertical direction. By default, text found within the <marquee> tag will scroll from right to left. The <marquee> tag has been deprecated in HTML5 and should no longer be used.

Is it okay to use marquee tag in HTML?

Is it okay to use it? You can use it, but you will not be able to write valid HTML. See w3.org/wiki/HTML/Elements/marquee.

Is marquee tag still used?

The <marquee> element was used to identify text that should move across a defined section of a webpage in a horizontal or vertical direction. The element has been deprecated and should no longer be used.

1 Answers

Is html marquee tag deprecated ?

No, it would have had to been part of the language in the first place before it could be deprecated.

It is simply proprietary.

If yes what are the alternatives for it on the modern browser ?

The best option is: Nice, easy to read motionless test.

Scrolling text is excellent for displaying a lot of information, in a small space, non-interactively.

Web browser windows are neither small, nor non-interactive (we have scrollbars), so the benefits of scrolling text are lost and you are left only with the drawbacks (which are that it is harder to read, and distracting when users are trying to read other parts of the page).

The only standard way to achieve scrolling text (if you still want it, despite the horrible drawbacks) is to use JavaScript to dynamically change CSS to move an element about.

like image 55
Quentin Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 13:09
