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Is there a way to review someone's code before they push in Mercurial?

I would like to be able to review other developers code before they push it to central repository. The developers are at remote locations so going to their desk is not an option.

Currently they just push and if there are issues they would rollback. But this is not a good approach since someone can pull before they get a chance to rollback.

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Eric P Avatar asked Dec 16 '22 17:12

Eric P

2 Answers

Mercurial is distributed, and as such should be able to adapt to any workflow. Try designating someone as an integration manager or use the dictator and lieutenants workflow.

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kelloti Avatar answered Mar 01 '23 22:03


How about review repository between the developers and the main repository? Only you push from there to main.

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Bert F Avatar answered Mar 01 '23 22:03

Bert F