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Is there a way to reference an issue including title on GitHub?


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How do I reference a GitHub issue?

You can reference issues between repositories by mentioning user/repository#number in an issue. Once we see something like that — say, github/enterprise#59 — we'll make sure to update issue #59 in github's enterprise repository and let you know where it was referenced from.

How do I link to a line in GitHub?

You can link to a specific line in the Markdown file the same way you can in code. Append #L with the line number or numbers at the end of the url. For example, github.com/<organization>/<repository>/blob/<branch_name>/README.md?

What is Issue ID in GitHub?

Issue ID is the primary key of the Issue table. From the Github API documentation, the way to fetch issue details is with a GET request to /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number. I'll need the issue number, the owner name and the repo name to fetch the details.

What is reference in GitHub?

About the Git references APIThe Git reference can be rewritten to point to a new commit. A branch is a Git reference that stores the new Git commit hash. These endpoints allow you to read and write references to your Git database on GitHub.

I know that I can reference an issue just by giving the issue number like this: #123. This way the title of the issues shows up on hovering the number. But I have a main issue, where I want to aggregate all dependent issues. In order to do this I want to include in the description a list of issues and have the titles inline, like this:

My frontend issues
- #32 Fix unclosed HTLM tags
- #36 Remove unsupported tags
- #41 Split very complex templates into blocks
- #44 Give all images an alt attribute

Is there a way to do this so that the the comment stays up to date if i update the actual issue title?

I've searched here and here, but can't find a way to do this.