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Haskell binary compatibility

Let's say I write some Haskell code and compile it in an Ubuntu 64-bit installation, statically linking all Haskell packages and c libraries. Would the result be binary compatible with any other 64-bit linux distribution?

like image 971
Nate Symer Avatar asked Jul 21 '15 20:07

Nate Symer

1 Answers

Yes, because of the static linking - it is all in the binary. And yes, they can get quite big, for example a yesod output can easily alot to 70MB. Yet, it has a HTTP server within that 70 MB.

So, static linking can thus help portability, but has it's drawbacks in terms of executable file size.

like image 123
Tobi Nary Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 19:10

Tobi Nary