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Is there a way to programmatically import ICS into Google Calendar?

I don't see any obvious way to import ICS files into Google Calendar from the API docs here:


And I'd greatly prefer not to have to parse them myself just to send the appointments into GCal. I'm looking for a programmatic solution, not something like import plugins for Thunderbird, Outlook, etc. Third party APIs to do the ICS parsing are acceptable, in any language. Any ideas?

like image 487
Joe Shaw Avatar asked Sep 25 '08 19:09

Joe Shaw

People also ask

Do ICS files automatically update Google Calendar?

ics file, you get a snapshot of the events in the calendar at the time of import. Your calendar doesn't refresh the imported events automatically -- even if the calendar's owner makes an update.

1 Answers

I have created a simple open source .net utility to do just that, available at http://gcalicsimporter.codeplex.com/.

like image 197
Alejandro Mezcua Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 17:09

Alejandro Mezcua