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Is there a way to ignore header lines in a UNIX sort?

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How does the Unix sort command work?

The sort command sorts the contents of a file, in numeric or alphabetic order, and prints the results to standard output (usually the terminal screen). The original file is unaffected. The output of the sort command will then be stored in a file named newfilename in the current directory.

How do I skip a header in Unix?

The following `awk` command uses the '-F' option and NR and NF to print the book names after skipping the first book. The '-F' option is used to separate the content of the file base on \t. NR is used to skip the first line, and NF is used to print the first column only.

How do I sort lines in Linux?

To sort lines of text files, we use the sort command in the Linux system. The sort command is used to prints the lines of its input or concatenation of all files listed in its argument list in sorted order. The operation of sorting is done based on one or more sort keys extracted from each line of input.

(head -n 2 <file> && tail -n +3 <file> | sort) > newfile

The parentheses create a subshell, wrapping up the stdout so you can pipe it or redirect it as if it had come from a single command.

If you don't mind using awk, you can take advantage of awk's built-in pipe abilities


extract_data | awk 'NR<3{print $0;next}{print $0| "sort -r"}' 

This prints the first two lines verbatim and pipes the rest through sort.

Note that this has the very specific advantage of being able to selectively sort parts of a piped input. all the other methods suggested will only sort plain files which can be read multiple times. This works on anything.

Here is a version that works on piped data:

(read -r; printf "%s\n" "$REPLY"; sort)

If your header has multiple lines:

(for i in $(seq $HEADER_ROWS); do read -r; printf "%s\n" "$REPLY"; done; sort)

This solution is from here

In simple cases, sed can do the job elegantly:

    your_script | (sed -u 1q; sort)

or equivalently,

    cat your_data | (sed -u 1q; sort)

The key is in the 1q -- print first line (header) and quit (leaving the rest of the input to sort).

For the example given, 2q will do the trick.

The -u switch (unbuffered) is required for those seds (notably, GNU's) that would otherwise read the input in chunks, thereby consuming data that you want to go through sort instead.

You can use tail -n +3 <file> | sort ... (tail will output the file contents from the 3rd line).

head -2 <your_file> && nawk 'NR>2' <your_file> | sort


> cat temp
> head -2 temp && nawk 'NR>2' temp | sort -r