Heroku allows you to turn "maintenance mode" on for your applications, and also allows you to specify a custom url to be served during this period. I just tried this out and discovered that Heroku serves the custom url in an iframe. This wasn't quite what I was expecting.
We use Heroku to host an API service, and had planned on having the custom error/maintenance pages serve json data. We're hoping that there is a way to have the maintenance url served directly.
After searching SO, Quora, and the general "internets" I haven't seen any posts asking this question, so here I am posting on SO.
Below are posts that are related to my question, but don't address it directly.
Old posts before there was any customization: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/heroku/EJRtW1XrlpU
Post asking for custom javascript in the html rendering the iframe: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/heroku/Db0JEWmuz_w
As a workaround, you can program your Heroku app so that for every request it receives, it first (before doing anything else) checks for the mere existence of a specific environment variable, eg, called MAINTENANCE
. If set, you immediately return your custom JSON response.
For example, add the following block of code at the beginning of your Rack app's call
method. (For a Sinatra app, you could add it at the beginning of a before filter. For a Ruby on Rails app, you could implement this as Rack middleware.)
status = '503'
headers = {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}
body = ['{"message":"The server is undergoing maintenance. Please try again later."}']
return [status, headers, body]
Then, to turn on "maintenance mode," set your app's MAINTENANCE
environment variable to any value your heart desires.
heroku config:set MAINTENANCE=1
To turn off "maintenance mode," simply unset your app's MAINTENANCE
environment variable.
heroku config:unset MAINTENANCE
Voila! Makeshift maintenance mode for a JSON REST API app.
There is no way to customize the error page(s) other than outlined here, which use an iFrame: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/error-pages#customize-pages
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