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Heroku and Route 53




My registrar is godaddy and I run my app on Heroku. I would like to use Route 53 to point to my apps.

Since heroku doesn't recommend A names that point to their proxy, what is the setup I should use? (Or what is the recommended way of setting this up. I do not want to use SimpleDNS, which they talk about in the heroku tutorials).

Thank you,

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Pier1 Sys Avatar asked Aug 31 '12 18:08

Pier1 Sys

2 Answers

I just finished writing the Naked Domain section of the Heroku docs on Amazon Route 53. This explains how to set up at 302 redirect from example.com to www.example.com using Amazon S3 and Route 53.

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Dustin Hoffman Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 10:10

Dustin Hoffman

First you should transfer your DNS to Amazon Route 53. After that you create a CNAME with your-app.herokuapp.com.

You should also add the domain name pointing to your heroku instance on the app's setting page under the "Domains".

After that it should work.

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birmacher Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 08:10
