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Is there a way to export the .edmx diagram from VS2008 to Visio?

Some people want to see the DB structure and dont have VS, is there a way to do this? Or any other way to export it outside of a screencapture (it is a huge diagram).

Thank you.

like image 693
naspinski Avatar asked Jan 17 '09 07:01


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2 Answers

You can right click on the design surface and select Diagram -> Export as Image and you get the entire edmx model generated as bmp

like image 188
Justin King Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 11:09

Justin King

This doesn't really work on large diagrams. Oh it exports it, but on a large diagram, once you zoom in, all text is nothing but pixels. It's a logged bug, but right now Microsoft is not planning on fixing this issue.

What I've done is downloaded a pdf printer (like Bullzip free edition), then just "print" the document to pdf.

To Viso, no. I have yet to find a way to export this to Visio.

like image 36
Chris Smith Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09

Chris Smith