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Is there a way to enable/disable Intellij IdeaVim plugin using keyboard shortcut?

I am using IdeaVim in Intellij as I can't really get over modular editing. But there are times when I just want it completely disabled (like when a coworker shows me something on my computer).

I know it can be disabled through the plugin manager by unchecking the enabled box, but this does not really cut it for me in many cases as it is too slow and disruptive for quick.

What would be nice to have is to make some keyboard shortcut to disable and enable the plugin so that I can easily switch between the modes. Is there a way to do this so that I don't have to restart Intellij for the changes to apply?

(Keeping vim in insert mode would not work in my case as it jumps to command mode at times for no reason)

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FLPP Avatar asked Nov 07 '19 12:11


People also ask

How do I disable IdeaVim plugin?

Install the IdeaVim plugin After you restart the IntelliJ IDEA, Vim is enabled and the editor starts operating in the Vim mode. To disable it, deselect Tools | Vim in the main menu.

What is IdeaVim plugin?

Included In IdeaVim Bundle. Vim emulation plugin for IntelliJ Platform-based IDEs. IdeaVim supports many Vim features including normal/insert/visual modes, motion keys, deletion/changing, marks, registers, some Ex commands, Vim regexps, configuration via ~/. ideavimrc, macros, Vim plugins, etc.

How good is IdeaVim?

IdeaVim is great, but it is still just a substitute for the 'Real Thing'. There are a couple of issues and problems, some of which can be worked around. For one IdeaVim is limited in its functionality. Plugins and various commands that you would know from Vim simply won't work.

What is Vim emulation?

Vim-emu: A NFV multi-PoP emulation platform. This emulation platform was created to support network service developers to locally prototype and test their network services in realistic end-to-end multi-PoP scenarios.

1 Answers

Vim emulation can be disabled via Tools | Vim Emulator. There is already assigned shortcut, but it conflicts with some of IDE shortcuts and will be removed in the next release. You can assign your own shortcut using regular IDE mapping.

enter image description here

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Feedforward Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 04:10
