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Why IntelliJ Idea cannot find location of GO SDK?

  1. I downloaded go1.4.darwin-amd64-osx10.8.tar.gz and extract it on my local directory.
  2. Based on what Installing to a custom location says I added GOROOT in env variable.
  3. Based on what Test your installation says I created a go file.
  4. I finally ran it and I got expected result as following screenshot.

enter image description here

  • I actually have IntelliJ v.14 however, based on this article I installed Go Language (golang.org) version in my IntelliJ Idea.
  • I created a Go project and during creation it asked me to add GO SDK. I gave it ~/Desktop/go/sdk however it wasn't able to recognise it. I got this error in Event Log:

14:03:02 IllegalArgumentException: Argument for @NotNull parameter 'virtualFile' of com/intellij/openapi/projectRoots/impl/ProjectRootContainerImpl.addRoot must not be null

Any idea how IntelliJ Idea is able to recognize it would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Hesam Avatar asked Jan 14 '15 06:01


1 Answers

Please consider using one of the alpha releases for 0.9.16. I believe that alpha7 could be the more stable one rather than alpha9. You can get them from GitHub releases

The v1.0.0-alpha0 branch is, as the name implies, an alpha release and it's in the early stages of development, that's why there's no release done yet for it as well.

P.S. I'm one of the contributors to the plugin.

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dlsniper Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09
