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Is there a way to efficiently invert an array of matrices with numpy?

Normally I would invert an array of 3x3 matrices in a for loop like in the example below. Unfortunately for loops are slow. Is there a faster, more efficient way to do this?

import numpy as np
A = np.random.rand(3,3,100)
Ainv = np.zeros_like(A)
for i in range(100):
    Ainv[:,:,i] = np.linalg.inv(A[:,:,i])
like image 231
katrasnikj Avatar asked Aug 15 '12 15:08


People also ask

How do you invert a NumPy matrix?

We use numpy. linalg. inv() function to calculate the inverse of a matrix. The inverse of a matrix is such that if it is multiplied by the original matrix, it results in identity matrix.

Are NumPy arrays efficient?

As array size gets close to 5,000,000, Numpy gets around 120 times faster. As the array size increases, Numpy is able to execute more parallel operations and making computation faster.

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An array object in NumPy is called ndarray, which is created using the array() function. To reverse column order in a matrix, we make use of the numpy. fliplr() method. The method flips the entries in each row in the left/right direction.

How do you find the inverse of a matrix in Python?

Python provides a very easy method to calculate the inverse of a matrix. The function numpy. linalg. inv() which is available in the python NumPy module is used to compute the inverse of a matrix.

2 Answers

It turns out that you're getting burned two levels down in the numpy.linalg code. If you look at numpy.linalg.inv, you can see it's just a call to numpy.linalg.solve(A, inv(A.shape[0]). This has the effect of recreating the identity matrix in each iteration of your for loop. Since all your arrays are the same size, that's a waste of time. Skipping this step by pre-allocating the identity matrix shaves ~20% off the time (fast_inverse). My testing suggests that pre-allocating the array or allocating it from a list of results doesn't make much difference.

Look one level deeper and you find the call to the lapack routine, but it's wrapped in several sanity checks. If you strip all these out and just call lapack in your for loop (since you already know the dimensions of your matrix and maybe know that it's real, not complex), things run MUCH faster (Note that I've made my array larger):

import numpy as np
A = np.random.rand(1000,3,3)
def slow_inverse(A): 
    Ainv = np.zeros_like(A)

    for i in range(A.shape[0]):
        Ainv[i] = np.linalg.inv(A[i])
    return Ainv

def fast_inverse(A):
    identity = np.identity(A.shape[2], dtype=A.dtype)
    Ainv = np.zeros_like(A)

    for i in range(A.shape[0]):
        Ainv[i] = np.linalg.solve(A[i], identity)
    return Ainv

def fast_inverse2(A):
    identity = np.identity(A.shape[2], dtype=A.dtype)

    return array([np.linalg.solve(x, identity) for x in A])

from numpy.linalg import lapack_lite
lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dgesv
# Looking one step deeper, we see that solve performs many sanity checks.  
# Stripping these, we have:
def faster_inverse(A):
    b = np.identity(A.shape[2], dtype=A.dtype)

    n_eq = A.shape[1]
    n_rhs = A.shape[2]
    pivots = zeros(n_eq, np.intc)
    identity  = np.eye(n_eq)
    def lapack_inverse(a):
        b = np.copy(identity)
        pivots = zeros(n_eq, np.intc)
        results = lapack_lite.dgesv(n_eq, n_rhs, a, n_eq, pivots, b, n_eq, 0)
        if results['info'] > 0:
            raise LinAlgError('Singular matrix')
        return b

    return array([lapack_inverse(a) for a in A])

%timeit -n 20 aI11 = slow_inverse(A)
%timeit -n 20 aI12 = fast_inverse(A)
%timeit -n 20 aI13 = fast_inverse2(A)
%timeit -n 20 aI14 = faster_inverse(A)

The results are impressive:

20 loops, best of 3: 45.1 ms per loop
20 loops, best of 3: 38.1 ms per loop
20 loops, best of 3: 38.9 ms per loop
20 loops, best of 3: 13.8 ms per loop

EDIT: I didn't look closely enough at what gets returned in solve. It turns out that the 'b' matrix is overwritten and contains the result in the end. This code now gives consistent results.

like image 139
Carl F. Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 11:10

Carl F.

A few things have changed since this question was asked and answered, and now numpy.linalg.inv supports multidimensional arrays, handling them as stacks of matrices with matrix indices being last (in other words, arrays of shape (...,M,N,N)). This seems to have been introduced in numpy 1.8.0. Unsurprisingly this is by far the best option in terms of performance:

import numpy as np

A = np.random.rand(3,3,1000)

def slow_inverse(A):
    """Looping solution for comparison"""
    Ainv = np.zeros_like(A)

    for i in range(A.shape[-1]):
        Ainv[...,i] = np.linalg.inv(A[...,i])
    return Ainv

def direct_inverse(A):
    """Compute the inverse of matrices in an array of shape (N,N,M)"""
    return np.linalg.inv(A.transpose(2,0,1)).transpose(1,2,0)

Note the two transposes in the latter function: the input of shape (N,N,M) has to be transposed to shape (M,N,N) for np.linalg.inv to work, then the result has to be permuted back to shape (M,N,N).

A check and timing results using IPython, on python 3.6 and numpy 1.14.0:

In [5]: np.allclose(slow_inverse(A),direct_inverse(A))
Out[5]: True

In [6]: %timeit slow_inverse(A)
19 ms ± 138 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

In [7]: %timeit direct_inverse(A)
1.3 ms ± 6.39 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
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