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Is there a way to distort an image to look like a wave effect? [closed]

I have a cup of coffee with 'wave' steam going up and I wonder if there is a (preferred) CSS way to distortion so it would look like a wave with some blur, something like a Fata Morgana effect.

I uploaded a copy of my cup. And here is my steam.


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Dan Ovidiu Boncut Avatar asked Feb 01 '13 14:02

Dan Ovidiu Boncut

1 Answers

Real life steam doesn't really work that way. There's a lot of flowing and randomness that would be impossible (at least for me) to get out of a static image.

Nevertheless, I think an approximate effect can be achieved with some skewing and fading. You can use CSS animations to do this:

@keyframes steam {
    0%, 100% {
        transform: skewX(0deg);
        opacity: 1;        
    25% { transform: skewX(10deg); opacity: .8; }
    75% { transform: skewX(-10deg); opacity: .8; }


This animates the skewing and opacity back and forth, so it's not so random. You can of course add more frames to the animation to give it a seemingly random look or make the pattern harder to follow.

Real steam moves more randomly. You can't do randomness like that with CSS alone (that I know of), so you have to go full JS:

var frameTime = 200;

var transition = 'all ' + (frameTime / 1000) + 's linear';
img.style.WebkitTransition = transition;
img.style.transition = transition;

setInterval(function () {
    var skew = Math.round(Math.random() * 10) * (Math.random() < 0.5 ? -1 : 1);
    skew = 'skewX(' + skew + 'deg)';
    img.style.transform = skew;
    img.style.WebkitTransform = skew;
}, frameTime);

Adding opacity changes or other skewing such as skewY (which may be effective) should be fairly trivial with the above framework.


like image 100
Explosion Pills Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 07:09

Explosion Pills