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Web Audio: Karplus Strong String Synthesis

Edit: Cleaned up the code and the player (on Github) a little so it's easier to set the frequency

I'm trying to synthesize strings using the Karplus Strong string synthesis algorithm, but I can't get the string to tune properly. Does anyone have any idea?

As linked above, the code is on Github: https://github.com/achalddave/Audio-API-Frequency-Generator (the relevant bits are in strings.js).

Wiki has the following diagram:

Karplus Strong String Synthesis diagram

So essentially, I generate the noise, which then gets output and sent to a delay filter simultaneously. The delay filter is connected to a low-pass filter, which is then mixed with the output. According to Wikipedia, the delay should be of N samples, where N is the sampling frequency divided by the fundamental frequency (N = f_s/f_0).

Excerpts from my code:

Generating the noise (bufferSize is 2048, but that shouldn't matter too much)

var buffer = context.createBuffer(1, bufferSize, context.sampleRate);
var bufferSource = context.createBufferSource();
bufferSource.buffer = buffer;

var bufferData = buffer.getChannelData(0);
for (var i = 0; i < delaySamples+1; i++) {
    bufferData[i] = 2*(Math.random()-0.5); // random noise from -1 to 1

Create a delay node

var delayNode = context.createDelayNode();

We need to delay by f_s/f_0 samples. However, the delay node takes the delay in seconds, so we need to divide that by the samples per second, and we get (f_s/f_0) / f_s, which is just 1/f_0.

var delaySeconds = 1/(frequency);
delayNode.delayTime.value = delaySeconds;

Create the lowpass filter (the frequency cutoff, as far as I can tell, shouldn't affect the frequency, and is more a matter of whether the string "sounds" natural):

var lowpassFilter = context.createBiquadFilter();
lowpassFilter.type = lowpassFilter.LOWPASS; // explicitly set type
lowpassFilter.frequency.value = 20000; // make things sound better

Connect the noise to the output and the delay node (destination = context.destination and was defined earlier):


Connect the delay to the lowpass filter:


Connect the lowpass to the output and back to the delay*:


Does anyone have any ideas? I can't figure out whether the issue is my code, my interpretation of the algorithm, my understanding of the API, or (though this is least likely) an issue with the API itself.

*Note that on Github, there's actually a Gain Node between the lowpass and the output, but this doesn't really make a big difference in the output.

like image 391
Achal Dave Avatar asked Oct 31 '12 07:10

Achal Dave

People also ask

What is the Karplus Strong algorithm?

Explanation. The Karplus-Strong algorithm is an example of digital waveguide synthesis. An instrument is physically modeled and simulated. In this case, the random samples crudely represents the initial pluck: each part of the string is in a random position moving at a random velocity.

What is Karplus music?

Karplus–Strong string synthesis is a method of physical modelling synthesis that loops a short waveform through a filtered delay line to simulate the sound of a hammered or plucked string or some types of percussion.

1 Answers

Here's what I think is the problem. I don't think the DelayNode implementation is designed to handle such tight feedback loops. For a 441 Hz tone, for example, that's only 100 samples of delay, and the DelayNode implementation probably processes its input in blocks of 128 or more. (The delayTime attribute is "k-rate", meaning changes to it are only processed in blocks of 128 samples. That doesn't prove my point, but it hints at it.) So the feedback comes in too late, or only partially, or something.

EDIT/UPDATE: As I state in a comment below, the actual problem is that a DelayNode in a cycle adds 128 sample frames between output and input, so that the observed delay is 128 / sampleRate seconds longer than specified.

My advice (and what I've begun to do) is to implement the whole Karplus-Strong including your own delay line in a JavaScriptNode (now known as a ScriptProcessorNode). It's not hard and I'll post my code once I get rid of an annoying bug that can't possibly exist but somehow does.

Incidentally, the tone you (and I) get with a delayTime of 1/440 (which is supposed to be an A) seems to be a G, two semitones below where it should be. Doubling the frequency raises it to a B, four semitones higher. (I could be off by an octave or two - kind of hard to tell.) Probably one could figure out what's going on (mathematically) from a couple more data points like this, but I won't bother.

EDIT: Here's my code, certified bug-free.

var context = new webkitAudioContext();

var frequency = 440;
var impulse = 0.001 * context.sampleRate;

var node = context.createJavaScriptNode(4096, 0, 1);
var N = Math.round(context.sampleRate / frequency);
var y = new Float32Array(N);
var n = 0;
node.onaudioprocess = function (e) {
  var output = e.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
  for (var i = 0; i < e.outputBuffer.length; ++i) {
    var xn = (--impulse >= 0) ? Math.random()-0.5 : 0;
    output[i] = y[n] = xn + (y[n] + y[(n + 1) % N]) / 2;
    if (++n >= N) n = 0;

like image 109
Grumdrig Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 17:10
