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Is there a way to destructure a struct partially?


I have a struct:

struct ThreeDPoint {     x: f32,     y: f32,     z: f32 } 

and I want to extract two of the three properties after instantiating it:

let point: ThreeDPoint = ThreeDPoint { x: 0.3, y: 0.4, z: 0.5 }; let ThreeDPoint { x: my_x, y: my_y } = point; 

The compiler throws the following error:

error[E0027]: pattern does not mention field `z`   --> src/structures.rs:44:9    | 44 |     let ThreeDPoint { x: my_x, y: my_y } = point;    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ missing field `z` 

In JavaScript (ES6), the equivalent destructuring would look like this:

let { x: my_x, y: my_y } = point; 
like image 927
Tom Avatar asked Aug 20 '17 12:08


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1 Answers

.. as a field in a struct or tuple pattern means "and the rest":

let ThreeDPoint { x: my_x, y: my_y, .. } = point; 

There's more about this in the Rust Book.

like image 159
DK. Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 09:10