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Is there a way to declare a function argument to take an anonymous enum?




If I have an anonymous enum, is there any way to pass a value of that type to a function? For example,

typedef struct {
    enum { On, Off } status;
    int max_amps;

void make_switches(){
    SWITCH switch1 = createSwitch( On, 15 );
    SWITCH switch2 = createSwitch( Off, 20 );

SWITCH* createSwitch( ??? status, int max_amps ){
    SWITCH* new_switch = malloc( sizeof( SWITCH ) );
    new_switch->status = status;
    new_switch->max_amps = max_amps;
    return new_switch;

I would like to pass the value of the anonymous enum into the createSwitch() function. Is there any way to do this?

like image 514
Tyler Durden Avatar asked Apr 12 '19 03:04

Tyler Durden

1 Answers

As others have suggested, you can simply use an int in the place of ???.

This is because as per of C11 standard (Committee draft):

The identifiers in an enumerator list are declared as constants that have type int and may appear wherever such are permitted.

like image 73
P.W Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 20:11