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Is there a way to automatically collapse the Script Documents section in solution explorer?

While in debug mode, the solution explorer has a Script Documents section. It is expanded by default. As the debugger runs, new ScriptDocumentxxx poll.txt files are added to this section. As I am navigating the explorer files, the adding of these new line items causes the entire contents of the explorer to shift downward. This is quite annoying if I am trying to find a file or trying to click something. I can collapse the section manually, but I'd rather not have to do this all of the time.

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oscilatingcretin Avatar asked Mar 26 '14 10:03


People also ask

How do I nest files in Visual Studio?

The precedence for merging file nesting settings is: Visual Studio > Solution > Project. You can tell Visual Studio to ignore solution-specific and project-specific settings, even if the files exist on disk, by enabling the option Ignore solution and project settings under Tools > Options > ASP.NET Core > File Nesting.

1 Answers

Right click the projects you are interested in working on and click on 'Scope to this'. This will hide everything (Including the scripts folder) except those projects you selected.

Visual Studio 'scope to this' example

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Muhammad Rehan Saeed Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 00:09

Muhammad Rehan Saeed