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Is there a way to autogenerate valid arithmetic expressions?




I'm currently trying to create a Python script that will autogenerate space-delimited arithmetic expressions which are valid. However, I get sample output that looks like this: ( 32 - 42 / 95 + 24 ( ) ( 53 ) + ) 21

While the empty parentheses are perfectly OK by me, I can't use this autogenerated expression in calculations since there's no operator between the 24 and the 53, and the + before the 21 at the end has no second argument.

What I want to know is, is there a way to account for/fix these errors using a Pythonic solution? (And before anyone points it out, I'll be the first to acknowledge that the code I posted below is probably the worst code I've pushed and conforms to...well, very few of Python's core tenets.)

import random
parentheses = ['(',')']
ops = ['+','-','*','/'] + parentheses

lines = 0

while lines < 1000:
    fname = open('test.txt','a')
    expr = []
    numExpr = lines
    if (numExpr % 2 == 0):
        numExpr += 1
    isDiv = False # Boolean var, makes sure there's no Div by 0

    # isNumber, isParentheses, isOp determine whether next element is a number, parentheses, or operator, respectively
    isNumber = random.randint(0,1) == 0 # determines whether to start sequence with number or parentheses
    isParentheses = not isNumber
    isOp = False
    # Counts parentheses to ensure parentheses are matching
    numParentheses = 0
    while (numExpr > 0 or numParentheses > 0):
        if (numExpr < 0 and numParentheses > 0):
            isDiv = False
            numParentheses -= 1
        elif (isOp and numParentheses > 0):
            rand = random.randint(0,5)
            isDiv = (rand == 3) # True if div op was just appended
            # Checks to see if ')' was appended
            if (rand == 5):
                isNumber = False
                isOp = True
                numParentheses -= 1
            # Checks to see if '(' was appended
            elif (rand == 4):
                isNumber = True
                isOp = False
                numParentheses += 1
            # All other operations go here
                isNumber = True
                isOp = False
        # Didn't add parentheses possibility here in case expression in parentheses somehow reaches 0
        elif (isNumber and isDiv):
            isDiv = False
            isNumber = False
            isOp = True
        # If a number's up, decides whether to append parentheses or a number
        elif (isNumber):
            rand = random.randint(0,1)
            if (rand == 0):
                isNumber = False
                isOp = True
            elif (rand == 1):
                if (numParentheses == 0):
                    numParentheses += 1
                    rand = random.randint(0,1)
                    if rand == 0:
                        numParentheses += 1
                        numParentheses -= 1
            isDiv = False
        numExpr -= 1

    fname.write(' '.join(expr) + '\n')
    lines += 1
like image 696
Edwin Avatar asked Jul 30 '11 04:07


1 Answers

Yes, you can generate random arithmetic expressions in a Pythonic way. You need to change your approach, though. Don't try to generate a string and count parens. Instead generate a random expression tree, then output that.

By an expression tree, I mean an instance of a class called, say, Expression with subclasses Number, PlusExpression,MinusExpression, 'TimesExpression, DivideExpression, and ParenthesizedExpression. Each of these, except Number will have fields of type Expression. Give each a suitable __str__ method. Generate some random expression objects and just print the "root."

Can you take it from here or would you like me to code it up?

ADDENDUM: Some sample starter code. Doesn't generate random expressions (yet?) but this can be added....

# This is just the very beginning of a script that can be used to process
# arithmetic expressions.  At the moment it just defines a few classes
# and prints a couple example expressions.

# Possible additions include methods to evaluate expressions and generate
# some random expressions.

class Expression:

class Number(Expression):
    def __init__(self, num):
        self.num = num

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.num)

class BinaryExpression(Expression):
    def __init__(self, left, op, right):
        self.left = left
        self.op = op
        self.right = right

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.left) + " " + self.op + " "  + str(self.right)

class ParenthesizedExpression(Expression):
    def __init__(self, exp):
        self.exp = exp

    def __str__(self):
        return "(" + str(self.exp) + ")"

e1 = Number(5)
print e1

e2 = BinaryExpression(Number(8), "+", ParenthesizedExpression(BinaryExpression(Number(7), "*", e1)))
print e2

** ADDENDUM 2 **

Getting back into Python is really fun. I couldn't resist implementing the random expression generator. It is built on the code above. SORRY ABOUT THE HARDCODING!!

from random import random, randint, choice

def randomExpression(prob):
    p = random()
    if p > prob:
        return Number(randint(1, 100))
    elif randint(0, 1) == 0:
        return ParenthesizedExpression(randomExpression(prob / 1.2))
        left = randomExpression(prob / 1.2)
        op = choice(["+", "-", "*", "/"])
        right = randomExpression(prob / 1.2)
        return BinaryExpression(left, op, right)

for i in range(10):

Here is the output I got:

86 + 84 + 87 / (96 - 46) / 59
((((49)))) + ((46))
76 + 18 + 4 - (98) - 7 / 15
(55) - (54) * 55 + 92 - 13 - ((36))
(78) - (7 / 56 * 33)
(81) - 18 * (((8)) * 59 - 14)

Ain't tooooo pretty. I think it puts out too many parents. Maybe change the probability of choosing between parenthesized expressions and binary expressions might work well....

like image 174
Ray Toal Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11

Ray Toal