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Is there a way to add claims in an ASP.NET Core middleware after Authentication?

I have this in my startup:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env) {     if (env.IsDevelopment())     {         app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage();     }     else     {         app.UseHsts();     }      app.UseHttpsRedirection();     app.UseStaticFiles();     app.UseSwaggerWithUi();      app.UseAuthentication();     app.UseMiddleware<SomeMiddleware>();      app.UseMvc(); } 

I need to add some additional claims AFTER the user is authenticated, but the middleware Invoke function always fires before Auth (HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated is false). But when it hits the controller the user is authenticated fine.

Any idea what to do here? I've tried to put "app.UseAuthentication()" after calling app.UseMiddleware but it has no affect.

I'm currently using multiple Authentication schemes. I'm not sure if that has an affect.

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Yodacheese Avatar asked Nov 14 '18 02:11


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Extend or add custom claims using IClaimsTransformation The IClaimsTransformation interface can be used to add extra claims to the ClaimsPrincipal class. The interface requires a single method TransformAsync. This method might get called multiple times.

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1 Answers

Yes it's possible, but instead of adding to the list of existing claims you have to add a new identity of type ClaimsIdentity.

public class SomeMiddleware {     private readonly RequestDelegate _next;      public SomeMiddleware(RequestDelegate next)     {         _next = next;     }      public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext httpContext)     {         if (httpContext.User != null && httpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)         {             var claims = new List<Claim>             {                 new Claim("SomeClaim", "SomeValue")             };              var appIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity(claims);             httpContext.User.AddIdentity(appIdentity);                         }          await _next(httpContext);     } } 
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Alexey Andrushkevich Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09

Alexey Andrushkevich