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Is there a way to access resolved state dependencies besides injecting them into the controller?

I need to access resolved data from a service or directive to do some general operations across the whole application.

The only way to I seem to be able to access resolved data is injecting it into the controller.

This is the test data I setup:

resolve: {
    test: function() {
        return 5+2;

I have tried this in my controller just to see what happens, but it doesn't work:

$injector.invoke(function(test) {
    console.log("injected", test);
    $scope.test = test;

I get:

"Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: testProvider <- test

So it seems that resolved data is passed as locals to the invoke function on the state controller.

I also found out that I can access the resolve object from the state:


But this is the raw resolve object without the resolved data. I could invoke those functions to resolve the data, but I would be resolving dependencies all over again. If there were any requests on the resolve object they would be called twice.

I just need to access the resolved values just like I would access data attributes or the $state.params.

like image 431
Jens Avatar asked Jan 19 '15 14:01


1 Answers

I finally figured it out.

It's possible to access all the resolved data through the $state.$current object:

like image 153
Jens Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 15:12
