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AngularJS Wrapping a ui-select in a custom directive

I'm trying to wrap a ui-select in a custom directive. (https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-select)

this.adminv2.directive('eventSelect', function() {
    return {
      restrict: 'E',
      replace: true,
      scope: {
        ngModel: '=',
        placeholder: '='
      controller: function($scope, $http) {
        return $scope.refreshEvents = function(searchTerm) {
          return $http.get('/events/autocomplete', {
            params: {
              term: searchTerm
          }).then(function(response) {
            return $scope.events = response.data;
      template: "<div>{{ngModel}}\n  <ui-select ng-model=\"ngModel\"\n             theme=\"bootstrap\"\n             ng-disabled=\"disabled\"\n             reset-search-input=\"false\">\n    <ui-select-match placeholder=\"Enter an event\">{{$select.selected.name}}</ui-select-match>\n    <ui-select-choices repeat=\"event in events track by $index\"\n             refresh=\"refreshEvents($select.search)\"\n             refresh-delay=\"0\">\n      <span ng-bind-html=\"event.name | highlight: $select.search\"></span>\n      <i class=\"icon-uniF111 fg type-{{raceType}} pull-right\" ng-repeat='raceType in event.racetypes'></i>\n      <br>\n      {{event.dates}} <i class='pull-right'>{{event.location}}</i>\n    </ui-select-choices>\n  </ui-select>\n</div>"

The select works properly, but the binding with ng-model doesn't work. I cannot set the model or read it. I don't get it since it works when I use a simple template such as

<div><input ng-model="ngModel"></div>

Is there something special to do because I wrap a directive in directive ?

like image 387
jlfenaux Avatar asked Oct 30 '14 07:10


1 Answers

I managed to make the binding work by setting the ng-model in the template as

like image 129
jlfenaux Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 22:10
