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Is there a way in maven to assure that a property is set

I just tracked down a difficult maven issue that was caused by a bad property value.

The property is a path to an alternate JVM that is used a run-time by a test. I would like to make maven fail early by detecting if the path is valid or not. What might be a way to accomplish this?

I plan to dig into antrun to see if there is a way to make it run first so that it can check, but that seems like overkill.

Question: How can I do this cleanly and simply?

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Solx Avatar asked Mar 25 '16 13:03


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2 Answers

You can use the Enforcer Maven Plugin and its Require Property rule, where you can enforce the existence of a certain property, optionally with a certain value (a matching regex), and fail the build otherwise.

This rule can enforce that a declared property is set and optionally evaluate it against a regular expression.

A simple snippet would be:

                        <message>You must set a basedir property!</message>
                        <regexMessage>The basedir property must contain at least one digit.</regexMessage>
like image 191
A_Di-Matteo Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 16:10


Yes, you can use the maven-enforcer-plugin for this task. This plugin is used to enforce rules during the build and it has a built-in requireFilesExist rule:

This rule checks that the specified list of files exist.

The following configuration will enforce that the file ${project.build.outputDirectory}/foo.txt exists and will fail the build if it does not.

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Tunaki Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 18:10
